Gone But Not Forgotten AFA Hall of Fame Class of 2002 Timothy W. "Tim" Rucks Timothy "Tim" W. Rucks, 54, passed away unexpectedly, Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Timothy was born in Waukegan, Ill., Dec. 21, 1960, son of the late Walter and Courtney (Nee: Young) Rucks. At 81, Hermitage's Moser is still kickin'  Posted: Friday, March 27, 2015 4:30 am By LYNN SATERNOW | Herald Sports Editor The Energizer Bunny has nothing on Steve Moser of Hermitage. They both keep on going ... and going ... and going. Moser, believed to the the oldest kicker in the world, will kick for a 20th year at the annual semi-pro football Casino Bowl Saturday in Las Vegas. "This is probably the last one," said the 81-year-old with a smile, although he has indicated the same thing before. AFA Announces $aveAround National Edition Discount Book - Building upon last year's success with the SaveAround coupon card, we are proud to endorse the national edition coupon book as an official fund raiser.What is SaveAround? Every day SaveAround presents you with the very best savings at fine establishments in your area. To participate in this highly endorsed low risk major fund raiser, just email: jackie@savearound.com. Announcing Vehicle Donation Program - Looking for a year end tax deduction? Got an old car you want to get rid of? Right now with the increase in car sales, dealers are low-balling the value of trade-ins. Before you head to the dealer, plan on donating your vehicle to the AFA. Generally the value you will receive for your donation will meet or exceed what you're given for the trade-in. Donating is easy. Call 855-500-7433 seven days a week or donate securely online at: http://americanfootballassn-cardonations.com/ The American Football Association Now Offers AFLAC - AFA members now have discounted rates for Aflac benefits available to them. This plan is perfect for football players needing accident coverage. There are also special opportunities for billing where AFA team owners can pay premiums for their players. Please contact Amy Peters @ 518-331-1309 or email amy_peters@us.aflac.com for inquiries and application.  - Custom Etched Rosewood Ring Display Box - Men's Fossil Watch
The AFA's Online Auction Now Open! - The online portion of AFA Monthly Auction is now open. Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Just click: AFA Online Auction and do your Holiday Shopping Online!  Marketing & Business Plans: We recently partnered with SCORE and we suggest that you do so also. The SCORE Association "Counselors to America's Small Business" is a nonprofit association comprised of 13,000+ volunteer business counselors throughout the U.S. and its territories. SCORE members are trained to serve as counselors advisors and mentors to aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. These services are offered at no fee, as a community service. Email me if you need help connecting with your local SCORE counselors. Dave Burch (SCORE Mentor) |