Phone: 877-624-4485
Email: | | Special Holiday Promotion - 2015 AFA Team & League Memberships - Join by the end of December, receive a voucher for turkey or ham Team Membership applications are now being accepted for the 2015 season. The annual membership fee to join the AFA remains $100 "per team" which provides a benefit package that is easily 10x this fee (ask the Palm Beach Makos!). Team membership applications can be downloaded by clicking: AFA Team/League Memberships. Alumni Membership remains at $25 per individual and is open to anyone and everyone that, at one time or another, had been (or still is) involved with a semi-pro team and/or league. The Semi-Pro Football Alumni Club is co-sponsored by the AFA National Association and the Members of the AFA Hall of Fame Alumni. Just click AFA Alumni Membership. Fufillmment packages have gone out to all early membership renewals. It's Now Official - the American Football Association Now Offers AFLAC - AFA members now have discounted rates for Aflac benefits available to them. This plan is perfect for football players needing accident coverage. There are also special opportunities for billing where AFA team owners can pay premiums for their players. Please contact Amy Peters @ 518-331-1309 or email for inquiries and application...AFLAC Brochure (click here)  - Custom Etched Rosewood Ring Display Box - Men's Fossil Watch
The AFA's Online Auction Now Open! - The online portion of AFA Monthly Auction is now open. Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Just click: AFA Online Auction and do your Christmas Shopping Online! AFA Marketplace: Just in time for the holidays, AFA logo merchandise is now available by clicking  We recently partnered with SCORE and we suggest that you do so also. The SCORE Association "Counselors to America's Small Business" is a nonprofit association comprised of 13,000+ volunteer business counselors throughout the U.S. and its territories. SCORE members are trained to serve as counselors advisors and mentors to aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. These services are offered at no fee, as a community service. Email me if you need help connecting with your local SCORE counselors. Dave Burch (SCORE Mentor) American Football Association Hall of Fame - We continue to get phone calls about rings and requests from folks confused about membership in the AFA's Hall of Fame. It appears that after 35 years, a few folks still do not understand the AFA's Hall of Fame membership process. As a result, we have edited and published a more readable copy of our prerequisites and inductees from day one at American Football Association Hall of Fame Listing. By the way, we do NOT process hall of fame ring orders; our supplier Jostens does that for us! |
| AFA News & Media Clips IRON ATHLETES FOOTBALL LEAGUE IS BORN! The Iron Athletes Football League is a new league that was created out of pure passion. Among all the other league franchises comes another whose top notch management and an owner who cares and strives to be the best! The league is accepting applications for new teams at the moment, so head on over to the LEAGUE OFFICE to find out how you can get your team into the IAFL! Members: Tom Hawkins - Owner (AFA HoF '12)
Pat Sharpe - Treasurer (AFA HoF '05)
Kevin Heerdegen - Director of Public Relations
Jason McClellend - Director of Marketing
Dustin Casper - Webmaster/Graphic artist Phone: 262-417-1147 Email: Website: Larry Little Legends 8th Annual Golf Tournament The Great Larry Little hosted another golf event in Fort Lauderdale with his teammates from the 1972 Dolphin team. This year Beau Jarrell, Alvin Lollie, Daris Steen and Dave Burch represented the AFA at this fun filled event. We were able to break bread with Bobby Bell, Mercury Morris, Lem Barney, Ken Houston, Elvin Bethea and 26 other NFL Hall of Famers during this weekend event. Checkout our FB Photo Album... Reporting and treatment in youth football on the rise Injury data taken from the county's largest youth football organization,American Youth Football (AYF) paints a bright picture. The data indicates that recent increased awareness and education of administrators, coaches, parents, and players is resulting in greater concussion identification and more aggressive medical treatment and follow up.
 | USA Football 'Fundamental Play of the Week' for Nov. 17-26 | Pac-12 Networks' Mike Yam, Rick Neuheisel and Yogi Roth take a look at Marcus Mariota's option read touchdown run in a 44-10 win over Colorado. See new installments of the USA Football Fundamental Play of the Week every Tuesday during the season on Pac-12 Football Weekly. Click to view video.....
NFL Funds Additional Research to Prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries On Thursday morning, the NFL, GE and Under Armour plan to announce seven additional winners of the Head Health Challenge, an ongoing effort to spur research into detecting and preventing brain injuries amid growing concern over the long-term consequences of on-field hits. The organizations will award as much as $8.5 million in this second phase of the challenge, but have collectively earmarked $60 million to push forward science in this field.
AFA 2015 Membership Program Kickoff - To get a head start on our 2015 Membership Campaign, and upon recommendation from our fulfillment advisors, membership solicitations have gone out. Any individuals, teams/leagues joining the organization during this timeframe will automatically become active members for 2015. Just click AFA Alumni Membership or AFA Team/League Membership CharityMania Fundraisers is the Official Fundraising Partner for the American Football Association (AFA). Football season is almost here! Does your team have all the money it needs to run a safe and successful program this year? If not, our fundraisers can help! Our FootballMania fundraisers are the perfect fit for your AFA team. Our offer to you! We are giving each AFA team 200 tickets for FREE to get started! Sell all 200 tickets and your organization will make $2800 in profit. Need to raise more money? No problem! Simply order more tickets and you will be on your way. It's that simple! Just click on the signup link below to get started and enter the promo code "AFA2014" during the signup process. Signup at: AFA Alumni Clubs - Aside from the AFA National Association's concerns for bringing recognition to today's market of semi-pro type teams and leagues - its desire to keep alive the memories of those who were associated with this level of the sport for the past 100 years has come to the forefront in the formation of the AFA's Alumni Clubs. AFA SmartPhone App - The AFA Smartphone App is now available for download at Google Wilson NFL Footballs... New Wilson Footballs are now in stock. The price is $65/ball or $390 per case for new balls plus $20 shipping and handling for a total of $410 per case of download form, click Wilson NFL Footballs. Broadcast Channel Goes Live - The AFA's live broadcast channel capability for video webcasts is now available for PCs, iPads and, Smartphones. Featured video includes weekly vintage and live video webcasts of events such as the Pottstown Firebirds Super Bowl Special, Kalamazoo Tornadoes AFA Championship, Past AFA Hall of Fame Inductions, AFA Member Game Broadcasts and special announcements. These broadcasts can also be accessed at....Steve Weed Productions From the Archives, Pottstown Firebirds Videos (click links to view)
AFA Membership Programs | Lifetime AFA Memberships Now Offered for AFA Hall of Fame Members! Email with your interest. Coming Soon - AFA Legacy Program/Planned Giving managed via Merrill Lynch. Planned Giving through the American Football Association allows you to align what you love in your life to what you want reflected in your legacy. American Football Association Benefits, Inc The America Football Association recently established major partne rships with insurance companies to make comprehensive coverage products available for all AFA Alumni. AFA Alumni and where applicable their spouses and dependents, can now apply for insurance at competitive group rates. It's now easy to join the AFA and apply for affordable insurance coverage with a special discount for being an AFA Alumni. For more info, please call 877-624-4485 or email | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 35th year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & ProudĀ®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association.     | | | | | |