|  | AFA Newsletter December 31, 2011 |  |  |  | • | Why Do Field/Facility Owners Require To Be Named On Sports Insurance Policies? | |  | • | AmourBite Mouthguard For Contact Sports | |  |  | • | School of the Legends - Join now and start connecting with NFL Players today! | |  | • | AFA 2012 Membership Programs | |  |  | |  | • | Join Us On The Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) | |  |  | AFA Benefits Inc. Insurance The America Football Association recently established major partnerships with insurance companies to make comprehensive coverage products available for all AFA Alumni. AFA Alumni and where applicable their spouses and dependents, can now apply for insurance at competitive group rates. In additional to our General Liability Insurance, we now offer:
- Supplemental Medical & Accident Insurance: http://americanfootballassn.com/forms/ColonialAccidentInsuranceAnnouncement.pdf http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/10/prweb8864191.htm
- Life Insurance: http://americanfootballassn.com/forms/ColumbiaIntroAnnouncement.pdf *Whole Life, Universal Life and Term *Guaranteed Acceptance plans *Simplified Underwriting plans
- Long Term Care Insurance
It's now easy to join the AFA and apply for affordable insurance coverage with a special discount for being an AFA Alumni. For more info, please call 877-624-4485 or email AFABenefitsInc@americanfootballassn.com.
Nudo hopes to restore magic at Fenwick CSNChicago.com (blog) In 1981, he became head coach of the River Grove Cowboys in a minor league football league. He won the national semi-pro championship in 1985 and was runnerup in 1985 and 1986. In 1986, he got a call from Jim Foster, founder of the Arena Football ... http://www.csnchicago.com/preps/news/Nudo-hopes-to-restore-magic-at-Fenwick?blockID=618064&feedID=629
Norm Nissen Norm is now recovering from a recent illness and continues to get stronger. He really appreciates all the calls he has received from his former teammates. If you get a chance, call him at 708-369-8811. Norm's recovery has progressed with everyone's prayers and thoughts. Nothing like old friends and teammates. Give him a call!
AFA Hall of Fame Business Cards & Luggage Tags Business cards and luggage tags are now available upon request for all active AFA Hall of Fame members per sample below……

2012 AFA Hall of Fame Inductions Stay tuned for a major announcement regarding the location for the 2012 Hall of Fame inductions scheduled for the last week of June!!!!!!!!!!!
Wilson NFL Footballs...We have in stock brand new Wilson NFL Footballs for $65/ball or $390 per case for new balls. Shipping and handling remains the same at $20............ http://content.oddcast.com/vhss/vhss_v5.swf?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fvhss-d.oddcast.com%2Fphp%2FplayScene%2Facc%3D36976%2Fss%3D690866%2Fsl%3D0&acc=36976&bgcolor=0x&embedid=d42a5dea8a2e9eb03c5f06fc200b1e3f ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Semi-pro Football HQ Scoreboard + http://www.semiprofootball.org/ + http://www.adultamateurfootball.org/ + http://www.facebook.com/#!/semiprofootballhq ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New features at http://www.semiprofootball.org/ . In the upper right hand corner of our home page is a "Search this Site" button with which you can search 12.5 years of information accumulated for player names, coaches, teams, leagues, etc. Additionally, you can now view 2010 league champions from the 79 semi-pro football leagues across the USA. Copyright (c) 1998-2011, Joe Hulsebus +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |  | |  |  | | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 32nd year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & Proud®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association. | | | | | |