|  | AFA Newsletter October 14, 2010 |  |  |  | • | Staph Infections Associated With Artificial Turf ? | |  | • | Attempts To Use AFA Founder, Ron Real's Name Continue | |  |  | • | Free AFA Alumni Club Membership Program | |  | |  |  | • | AFA Member League News Clips | |  | |  |  | As high school and college athletes prepare for a new football season, sports trainers and coaches are concerned about outbreaks of an antibiotic-resistant staph bacterium that some people have associated with synthetic turf fields. But a study by researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences should help put those concerns to rest. Conducted by the university's Center for Turfgrass Science, the study found no trace of Staphylococcus aureus bacterium in any of the 20 infilled synthetic turf fields tested in various locations in Pennsylvania. Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium that often lives harmlessly on the skin or in the nose. When introduced into the body through a cut or medical incision, it can cause anything from minor skin lesions to life-threatening bloodstream infections, pneumonia or organ damage. A strain of the bacterium, MRSA (methicillin-resistantstaphylococcus aureus), has developed resistance to the antibiotic -- synthetic penicillin -- typically used to treat it and is becoming a major concern for sports teams with synthetic turf fields. The strain has also become one of the most common causes of skin infections requiring emergency room treatment nationally. The Penn State study also found low overall microbial populations in the synthetic turf systems. "The microbe population of natural turfgrass far exceeds anything we've found in the infill systems," McNitt says. "In fact, a number of the infill systems had zero living microbes in the sample at the time of testing." The researchers did find S. aureus on other surfaces (blocking pads, weight equipment, stretching tables and used towels), as well as on the hands of five randomly tested passersby. The bottom line, McNitt says, is that while everyone should be concerned about the spread of bacteria and the cleanliness of equipment and other surfaces that players contact, infilled synthetic turf systems do not appear to be a breeding ground for microbes generally. "Some other studies indicate that a player playing on synthetic turf may acquire more skin abrasions due to the abrasiveness of the surface," McNitt says. "Thus, they have more entry points for the staph, but they're not getting it from the field -- they're picking it up in the locker room or somewhere else. One study shows that players who shave their ankles prior to taping up, for instance, also have a greater incidence of staph because the shaving creates little nicks for infection to enter." |  | |  |  | 2011 AFA Alumni Club Membership - Are You A Card Carrying Member? For the next 6 months, AFA Alumni Club Membership is basically free. Upon completing the mail in application, you will receive a $25 gift certificate as part of your membership package. AFA Membership is open to anyone and everyone that, at one time or another, had been (or still is) involved with a semi-pro team and/or league. The AFA Semi-Pro Football Alumni Club is co-sponsored by the AFA National Association and the Members of the AFA Hall of Fame Alumni. If you are interested in a 2010 membership application, just click: http://www.eteamz.com/americanfootballassn/news/index.cfm?cat=206281 2011 AFA Team & League Membership Membership applications are now being accepted for the 2010 season. The annual membership fee to join the AFA is $100 "per team" which provides a benefit package that is easily 10x this fee Team membership applications can be downloaded by clicking: http://www.eteamz.com/americanfootballassn/news/index.cfm?cat=206283 Hurray, limited number of AFA Souvenier Glasses available $10 each FEEL FREE TO FORWARD THIS NEWSLETTER TO A FRIEND (click link at bottom of newsletter) |  | |  |  | Silicone Power Balance Wrist Bands - Balance, Strength & Flexibility What is Power Balance? Power Balance is Performance Technology designed to work with your body's natural energy flow. Founded by athletes, Power Balance is a favorite among elite athletes for whom balance, strength and flexibility are important. How Does Power Balance Work? Power Balance is based on the idea of optimizing the body's natural energy flow, similar to concepts behind many Eastern philosophies. The hologram in Power Balance is designed to respond to the natural energy field of the body. The Mylar material at the core of Power Balance has been treated with energy waves at specific frequencies. The resulting Mylar is believed to resonate and work with your body's natural energy flow to help enable you to perform at the best of your ability. "The added balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance Power/Balance gives me is incredible. But, more than anything, because of these benefits, Power/Balance gives me the extra bit of confidence I need to know that as long as I am wearing the technology, I will be performing at my very best." -Jordan Palmer, NFL Quarterback, Cincinnati Bengals. "Your Product Is Really Amazing!!! After last nights game, I am anxious to get all of the players wearing the Power Balance Wrist Band, not just Steve Nash, Shaq & Barbosa." -Steve Kerr, President, Phoenix Suns. "I had been using some other products that were supposed to give me an edge on the competition, but I never really noticed anything. Once I got a hold of Power/Balance, I immediately noticed the difference. My ability to keep my balance throughout my entire swing was improved 100%." -Bryan Petersen, Florida Marlins "I am so stoked with Power/Balance that I have created my pro-model traction with Power/Balance technology built in&I would suggest this product for anyone who is looking to step up their game." -Josh Buran, professional surfer THE AFA WILL HAVE THESE BANDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL INTERESTED TEAMS, LEAGUES AND PLAYERS !!!!!!! Check this out: http://www.fox6now.com/news/witi-100701-power-balance,0,7768803.story ArmyTimes.com By Jon R. Anderson - Staff writer They don't play for money or to the roar of big crowds. But for a growing number of military gridiron gladiators, the rise of semi-pro football is offering a second chance to play the game they love. And maybe, just maybe, some will have a shot at real glory. Meanwhile, old interservice rivalries are finding new life in unlikely places. http://www.armytimes.com/offduty/sports/military-troops-playing-semi-pro-football-092010/ Air game lacking for R&B By MATT CORDOVA PLATTSBURGH - Punishing. Relentless. Opportunistic. This is the Watertown Red and Black running game. http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20101010/SPORTS01/310109933/-1/sports R&B gives up EFL title NORTH STARS WIN: Field goal attempt in final minute sails wide By MATT CORDOVA PLATTSBURGH -- Hey, you can't win it every year. The Watertown Red and Black, playing for a second consecutive Empire Football League title Saturday night, came up just short in that quest at Plattsburgh High School http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20101010/SPORTS01/310109934/-1/sports Roberson is the new energetic hub of community based sports activity. Check out Champions!, a celebration of Binghamton, New York's rich sports history. This exhibit will be on display for the next 12 months. The Empire Football League's TC Jets are prominently featured in this exhibit along with a continuous running video of the Albany Mallers vs. Jets 1997 EFL Championship. Next time you're in Binghamton, stop by to visit Roberson Museum's CHAMPIONS Exhibit. Click to view pictures http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=165641&id=620802414&l=0c88ae1011 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Semi-pro Football HQ Scoreboard + http://www.semiprofootball.org/ + http://www.adultamateurfootball.org/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Please submit corrections and omissions to + scores@semiprofootball.org + Copyright (c) 1998-2009, Joe Hulsebus +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.semiprofootball.org/minor/2010stand/scorest.htm |  | |  |  | Unfortunately, despite previous communications from the Family of the late Ron Real stating their position, the distraction of organizations/individuals attempting to use the name of Ron Real for a trophy/championship game continues. This is not only sickening and but also extremely disrespectful! NO means NO ! After just celebrating our 30th Anniversary, the many achievements of our founder Ron Real and 600 plus Hall of Fame members, and the positive image at our level that we continue to promote, the seriousness of this issue has become more paramount. We will continue to distance ourselves from organizations that characterize themselves as associates of the American Football Association………American Football News Today, the Ron Real Trophy, the Minor Pro Hall of Fame, Minor League Football News Hall of Fame, etc. The AFA Board of Directors and family of the late Ron Real once again state that these groups/initiatives are unauthorized and have nothing to do with the AFA, the AFA Semi-pro Football Hall of Fame or the AFA's American Football News™ created by the late Ron Real, founder of the AFA. |  | |  |  | Want to change energy providers? We can brighten up your day. Find out how much money we can save you on your energy rates. |  | |  |  | | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 30th year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & Proud®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association. | | | | | |