|  | Empire Football League News & Highlights |  |  |  | |  | EMPIRE FOOTBALL LEAGUE ANNOUNCES 2006 SCHEDULE |  | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Empire Football League Email: empirefoot@aol.com Website: www.empire-football-league.com/
The Empire Football League held its 37th Annual Meeting recently in Ottawa, Canada. With 10 teams returning from the 2005 season and the addition of the Vermont Ice Storm from the NEFL, the EFL will again have 11 active member teams for the 2006 season. The EFL season starts July 8th and ends September 23rd. The league structure for 2006 consists of northern and southern divisions, with crossover games implemented to promote regional rivalries. The EFL Playoffs will take place on September 30th and October 7th and will conclude with the EFL Championship Game on October 14th.
Some significant EFL accomplishments in 2005 included: - EFL players filming a commercial for Campbellās Soup with McNabb and other Philadelphia Eagles. - Empire Football League was a recipient of the 2005 Play Football Month Celebration Award from USA Football, the NFL, and the NFL Players Association. The Play Football Month Celebration Award was eligible to non-profit organizations involved with youth and amateur football, including leagues, schools, and local community football programs.
2006 Empire Football League Officers were elected as follows: - Dave Burch, EFL Commissioner - Bill Higgins, Commissioner of Officials - Gary Shaver, Deputy Commissioner-Treasurer - Mary Boice, Deputy Commissioner - Frank Williams, Deputy Commissioner - Al Dole, Deputy Commissioner - George Ashcraft, Deputy Commissioner - Norman Mann, Deputy Commissioner - Tom Manny, Deputy Commissioner - Jane Dole, Recording Secretary
To view 2006 EFL Schedule, click http://eteamz.active.com/empirefootballleague/files/2006EFLSchedule.doc
For additional information visit our EFL web site at http://www.empire-football-league.com |  | | | | | |
# posted by American Football Association : 8:04 PM