Phone: 877-624-4485
Email: | | Skip Poole Represents AFA in Opole, Poland It has been a wonderful stay in Opole, Poland for Pam and myself. These young men are so hungry for instruction and guidance. They do not offer up excuses when things go wrong; they simply pick themselves up and continue on until they get it right. There is no interjection of negativity when they do not understand something; they simply keep studying and learning until it all clicks for them. They do not point fingers and blame others; they rally around their teammates and offer up encouragement. There is no division amongst them; they realize and promote a united front.... AFA Announces SaveAround Discount Coupons - What is SaveAround? Every day SaveAround presents you with the very best savings at fine establishments in your area. We're able to do this by guaranteeing participating merchants a minimum number of customers. Your purchase is combined with others and the resulting volume purchase is a form of "mutual funding". Every active AFA Alumni will receive an AFA branded coupon as part of their fulfillment package. AFA Hall of Fame Nomination Process Officially Open - Official nomination forms have gone out this month to all 2014 Active AFA Alumni. Nominations are only being accepted on the official nomination form and in the timeframe defined per the form. The 2014 AFA Hall of Fame Inductions are scheduled to be held June 26th - 27th at the Pro Football Hall of Fame; dinner tickets will go on sale in May. Sponsorships and Donations are now being solicited at on our AFA Auction Site; AFA Announces Monthly Semipro Football Trivia Contest - The provider of the first correct response via email will receive a gift from the American Football Association. #6) Do you know who I am? - My agent did a great selling job to the NFL and I was a number one draft pick without going to college and spending 10 years in the NFL. I made the pro bowl twice and was all-pro twice. Congratulations to Peter O'Kane for providing the correct answer of ERIC SWANN. Eric actually got his start in the Eastern Football League and competed against Peter's team. #7) Do you know who I am? - I led the ACFL twice in pass receiving with two different teams and then moved onto the big show and played long enough to get a maximum pension. Research provided by AFA Historian, Steve Brainerd Rivals - One of the best things a minor league football can do is develop a strong rivalry with someone, but that is hard to do as most teams come and go after only a few seasons. It can do a lot for. The Binghamton Jets and Scranton Eagles have engaged in many games since 1971. Thru 1981, the two clubs split 28 games even. To the end of the competition. In 2002, the Eagles won 11 and lost only 4. This would include an eight games Eagle winning streak. The start of the series in 1971 proved too tremendous at the gate. The first game in Binghamton drew 8,000, the rematch in Scranton drew in excess of 12,000. The rubber game was Empire League championship in Scranton drew 11,000. Correction via Chick Rader 4/21: The sequence is wrong, but thank you for recognizing the Jets - Eagles rivalry. This rivalry started when Ray Stanton, who formed the Tri-City Jets, and competed in the Empire Football League, met with John Rogan from the Scranton area about forming a team and joining the league. John brought the idea to me and together we formed the Lackawanna County Eagles and joined the Empire Football League for the 1971 season. The L.C. Eagles hosted the Tri-City Jets in Scranton for their first meeting and beat the Jets, snapping their 60+ games winning streak before 12,000+ fans. The 2nd game was played in Binghamton where the Jets beat the Eagles. Since both teams finished the league with one loss, the championship game was held in Scranton, decided by a flip of a coin, and the L.C. Eagles beat the Jets for the Empire Football League championship and again sold out the stadium with 12,000+ fans. It's interesting to note that on that same night, Scranton hosted a world championship fight at the Scranton Armory about one mile away from Scranton Memorial Stadium and both events drew capacity crowds. Chick Rader Steve: Mr. Rader did not "misremember" the sequence of the Eagles/Jets games in 1971. The sequence was Jets at Eagles September 25, Eagles won 35-26; Eagles at Jets October 9, Jets won 40-20; Championship game at Scranton Memorial Stadium October 30, Eagles won 26-13. Send me a fax number and I will send you the proof. One of the conditions John Rogan and I insisted on when negotiating with the Empire Football League was that if we joined, we would not play Binghamton until the second half of the season and the first game would be in Scranton. The Jets winning streak was 20, not 60 - which was a typo by my assistant who sends out my emails. Regards, Chick | It's Now Official - the American Football Association Now Offers AFLAC - AFA members now have discounted rates for Aflac benefits available to them. This plan is perfect for football players needing accident coverage. There are also special opportunities for billing where AFA team owners can pay premiums for their players. Please contact Amy Peters @ 518-331-1309 or email for inquiries and application...AFLAC Brochure (click here)  - Custom Etched Rosewood Ring Display Box
- Crystal Prism Clock
- Men's Fossil Watch
The AFA's Online Auction Now Open! - The online portion of AFA Monthly Auction is now open. The auction will run from monthly leading up to our live auction at June's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies. Proceeds go to American Football Association in order to support annual Hall of Fame Inductions. Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Just click: AFA Online Auction....Just click: The American Football Association Partners with MultiView - The American Football Association is pleased to announce a new opportunity for you - the chance to advertise your company's products and services directly on the AFA website. If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about how to feature your company on the AFA websites, please call Jon Smith, Display Advertising Manager, at 972-402-7023.  We recently partnered with SCORE and we suggest that you do so also. The SCORE Association "Counselors to America's Small Business" is a nonprofit association comprised of 13,000+ volunteer business counselors throughout the U.S. and its territories. SCORE members are trained to serve as counselors advisors and mentors to aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. These services are offered at no fee, as a community service. Email me if you need help connecting with your local SCORE counselors. Dave Burch (SCORE Mentor) American Football Association Hall of Fame - We continue to get phone calls about rings and requests from folks confused about membership in the AFA's Hall of Fame. It appears that after 34 years, a few folks still do not understand the AFA's Hall of Fame membership process. As a result, we have edited and published a more readable copy of our prerequisites and inductees from day one at American Football Association Hall of Fame Listing. By the way, we do NOT process hall of fame ring orders; our supplier does that for us! Note: The 2014 AFA Hall of Fame Inductions are scheduled to be held June 26th - 27th (same date annually) and at the same location as last year, the Pro Football HoF. Official ballots have gone out this month with membership fulfillment packages to all 2014 Active AFA Alumni. Nominations will only being accepted on the official ballot and in the defined timeframe. Sponsorships and Donations are now being solicited at on our AFA Auction Site. |
| AFA News & Media Clips If you ever experience the dreaded "Blue Screen" on your computer, check these folks out before you throw in the towel (or jump off the bridge). Use 28055 to receive a 10% discount commission for successful recoveries and there is no charge if the data is unrecoverable! CharityMania Fundraisers is the Official Fundraising Partner for the American Football Association (AFA). Now is the time when many football organizations are selecting their fundraisers for the fall. Our fundraisers can help each and every AFA football team raise the money they need to be a successful program. The AFA has partnered with us because we offer a unique and different kind of fundraiser. Here's why: * Low upfront cost and you keep 70% profit * Based on the excitement of your favorite sports * Easy to manage - no inventory or fulfillment * Your supporters can win $1000's in prizes Aside from the AFA National Association's concerns for bringing recognition to today's market of semi-pro type teams and leagues - its desire to keep alive the memories of those who were associated with this level of the sport for the past 100 years has come to the forefront in the formation of the AFA's Alumni Clubs. Checkout the Elmhurst Travelers AFA Alumni Club Vistaprint - Visit our AFA Vistaprint Marketing Center for Business Cards, Marketing Materials and branded print products. AFA SmartPhone App - The AFA Smartphone App is now available for download at Google Wilson NFL Footballs... New Wilson Footballs are now in stock. The price is $65/ball or $390 per case for new balls plus $20 shipping and handling for a total of $410 per case of download form, click Wilson NFL Footballs. Broadcast Channel Goes Live - The AFA's live broadcast channel capability for video webcasts is now available for PCs, iPads and, Smartphones. Featured video includes weekly vintage and live video webcasts of events such as the Pottstown Firebirds Super Bowl Special, Kalamazoo Tornadoes AFA Championship, Past AFA Hall of Fame Inductions, AFA Member Game Broadcasts and special announcements. These broadcasts can also be accessed at....Steve Weed Productions AFA Membership Programs | 2014 AFA Alumni Club Membership - Are You A Card Carrying Member? Alumni Membership Fulfillment packages are on the way to recent alumni membership applicants. This year's package contains a SaveAround discount savings card as well as the Hall of Fame Nomination form. Membership remains at $25 per individual and is open to anyone and everyone that, at one time or another, had been (or still is) involved with a semi-pro team and/or league. The Semi-Pro Football Alumni Club is co-sponsored by the AFA National Association and the Members of the AFA Hall of Fame Alumni. Just click AFA Online Signup or return application card via US Mail.......... Lifetime AFA Memberships Now Offered for AFA Hall of Fame Members! Email with your interest. Coming Soon - AFA Legacy Program/Planned Giving managed via Merrill Lynch. Planned Giving through the American Football Association allows you to align what you love in your life to what you want reflected in your legacy. Now Soliciting 2014 AFA Team & League Membership Applications Team Membership applications are now being accepted for the 2014 season. We are proud to have the National Public Safety, Empire Football, Ironman Football and Mason Dixon Football Leagues as the first leagues to join as members to join for 2014. When entire leagues join they automatically receive an auction fund raiser donation on the AFA's Auction Site. The annual membership fee to join the AFA remains $100 "per team" which provides a benefit package that is easily 10x this fee. Team membership applications can be downloaded by clicking: AFA Team/League Memberships American Football Association Benefits, Inc The America Football Association recently established major partne rships with insurance companies to make comprehensive coverage products available for all AFA Alumni. AFA Alumni and where applicable their spouses and dependents, can now apply for insurance at competitive group rates. It's now easy to join the AFA and apply for affordable insurance coverage with a special discount for being an AFA Alumni. For more info, please call 877-624-4485 or email | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 34th year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & ProudĀ®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association.     | | | | | |