New Weekly Feature: Semipro Football History Articles AFA Announces Monthly Semipro Football Trivia Contest | Phone: 877-624-4485
Email: | | Gone But Not Forgotten AFA Board Member Bill Christie (Hall of Fame Class of 2011)  It is with extreme sadness that we inform you of the passing of AFA Board Member, Bill Christie. Bill was a very close friend and confidant of AFA Founder, Ron Real and provided legal support to the AFA over the years. William Koloff Christie AFA Announces Monthly Semipro Football Trivia Contest The provider of the first correct response via email will receive a gift from the American Football Association. The 1st person to get 12 correct responses over the next 12 months will receive a free AFA Alumni Membership and fulfillment package. #3) Do you know who I am? - I am last the team to win the NFL championship that is no longer in the NFL. When I joined, you didn't get an expansion draft, you got your own players one year at a time. I played minor league football before the NFL and continued to play football after the NFL. No one had correct answer from previous newsletter: Providence Steamrollers #4) Do you know who I am? - I played more than 40 years for at least 12 different west coast semi-pro football teams. However I started my pro career with Toronto Balmy Beach of the Ontario Rugby Football Union. Research provided by AFA Historian, Steve Brainerd "It's a Great Day, Let's Play Two" Semipro football has seen a number of interesting occurrences when it comes to games played. Teams have often played Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday (particularly the Seattle Cavaliers) although no one has ever done a weekend triple play, but it might be that it that it is yet to be discovered. This Game is Going into Sudden Death (click here) Overtime didn't just come about to help end the 1958 NFL championship game Minor league football first used it long before the NFL even thought it was necessary..... | AFA members now have discounted rates for Aflac benefits available to them. This plan is perfect for football players needing accident coverage. There are also special opportunities for billing where AFA team owners can pay premiums for their players. Please contact Amy Peters @ 518-331-1309 or email for inquiries and application... AFLAC Brochure (click here) David Burch, Chris Stepp and Kevin Van Valkenburg join "Outside the Lines" to discuss the dangers of average Joes gathering to play what they call "semi-pro" football......  - Custom Etched Rosewood Ring Display Box
- Crystal Prism Clock
- Men's Fossil Watch
YAVAY Welcomes the AFA - YAVAY is a comprehensive directory or planning tool that provides a broad, transparent view of the sponsorship landscape for members. Simply put, YAVAY is an online dating service for the sponsorship industry. YAVAY is an AFA League Membership Benefit....... |
| AFA News & Media Clips DriveSavers - The AFA's Administrative Office recently had the unpleasant experience of crashing our hard drive and losing all of the organization's critical business data. After several unsuccessful attempts at recovery, we sent our drive hardware out to DriveSavers; they recovered 100% of our data!!! If you ever experience the dreaded "Blue Screen" on your computer, check these folks out before you throw in the towel (or jump off the bridge). Use 28055 to receive a 10% discount commission for successful recoveries and there is no charge if the data is unrecoverable! Why donate? * Avoid the hassles of selling a car * No need to pay hefty repair bills * Free up space in your garage * 100% tax deductible Making a donation is EASY! It's as easy as filling out the online donation form or picking up a phone and speaking to a live operator. Donate your car and receive a voucher for a 3 day, 2 night hotel stay Online Monthly Auction Now Open! - The online portion of AFA's Monthly Auction is now open. Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin! Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Just click: AFA Monthly Auction The AFA has just partnered with the CharityMania! to provide fund raiser opportunities to teams and leagues. "CharityMania provides unique sweepstakes fundraisers based on the excitement of professional and college sports. Organizations will sell CharityMania Tickets to raise money and keep 70% as profit. AFA SmartPhone App - The AFA Smartphone App is now available for download at Google Wilson NFL Footballs... New Wilson Footballs are now in stock. The price is $65/ball or $390 per case for new balls plus $20 shipping and handling for a total of $410 per case of download form, click Wilson NFL Footballs. Broadcast Channel Goes Live - The AFA's live broadcast channel capability for video webcasts is now available for PCs, iPads and, Smartphones. Featured video includes weekly vintage and live video webcasts of events such as the Pottstown Firebirds Super Bowl Special, Kalamazoo Tornadoes AFA Championship, Past AFA Hall of Fame Inductions, AFA Member Game Broadcasts and special announcements. These weekly broadcast will accessible directly from our website and in additional to performances by some of our hall of famers, will also feature AFA sponsors. These broadcasts can also be accessed at....Steve Weed Productions AFA Membership Programs | 2014 AFA Alumni Club Membership - Are You A Card Carrying Member? AFA Membership applications have gone out via email for online payment and physically via US Mail to our current database for 2014 signups. AFA Alumni Membership ($25) is open to anyone and everyone that, at one time or another, had been (or still is) involved with a semi-pro team and/or league. Semi-Pro Football Alumni Club is co-sponsored by the AFA National Association and the Members of the AFA Hall of Fame Alumni. To join just click either AFA Online Signup or AFA Mail In Signup Lifetime AFA Memberships Now Offered for AFA Hall of Fame Members! Email with your interest. Now Soliciting 2014 AFA Team & League Membership Applications Team Membership applications are now being accepted for the 2014 season. The annual membership fee to join the AFA remains $100 "per team" which provides a benefit package that is easily 10x this fee. Team membership applications can be downloaded by clicking: American Football Association Benefits, Inc The America Football Association recently established major partne rships with insurance companies to make comprehensive coverage products available for all AFA Alumni. AFA Alumni and where applicable their spouses and dependents, can now apply for insurance at competitive group rates. It's now easy to join the AFA and apply for affordable insurance coverage with a special discount for being an AFA Alumni. For more info, please call 877-624-4485 or email | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 34th year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & ProudĀ®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association.     | | | | | |