AFA News & Media Clips
VA Jr. Hornets Youth Football Post Season Training Camps; great work done by the Virginia Hornets of the Mason Dixon Football League.. Wilmington aims to carry a roster of 50 players - 10 below the Mason-Dixon Football League maximum. The players are not paid - an MDFL policy, ... 'Boro minor league football starting up The Daily News Journal | - Mar 14, 2013 | MURFREESBORO - A new minor league footballteam in Rutherford County called the Middle Tennessee Honey Badgers will hold a tryout at 10 a.m. PFRA Coffin Corner: Vol. 31, No. 6 (2009) - Semi-Pro or Pro? by Bob Carroll. A great article examining the difference between a semi-pro player and a pro player. Outsiders II: Minor League and Independent Football 1951-1985 - by Bob Gill, Steve Brainerd and Tod Maher. Following the pattern set with Outsiders I (which covered 1923-1950), this volume covers the independent minor leagues of professional football from 1951 through 1985. Join Professional Football Researchers Association today. Crossover Opponents Wanted: As part of a 2013 promotion initiative, the Empire Football League is seeking crossover opponents for non-league games on July 27 and August 10. Please visit website at for more details. Opinion: The NFL Is Not Causing the Concussion Epidemic "Epidemic" may be too strong a word, but concussions are the hot topic in sports, especially football. Recently at Super Bowl XLVII, commissioner Roger Gooddell was grilled about player safety and what the NFL is doing to protect its players. However, the NFL is not the problem. Here's why............. Take An Inside Look At The New Concussion Technology That Is Revolutionizing Sports Mouthguard Detects Head Impact In Athletes Despite the medical advancements and spike in concussion awareness during the past few years, the ability to quickly and accurately detect head impact in athletes is severely lacking. Helmets Preventing Concussion Seen Quashed by NFL-Riddell With a device called ProCap, Bert Straus says he invented headgear that could reduce concussions in National Football League games. He never got the chance. The ProCap, which took him eight years to develop, was gaining ground among players until he brought it before the NFL committee dealing with brain injuries. The panel disparaged Straus's invention, prompting the league to warn players they risked death wearing it. The committee was guided in part by the advice of an outside consultant who once testified forRiddell Inc. (0059072D), the league's official helmet maker, in an injury lawsuit.
David Burch, Chris Stepp and Kevin Van Valkenburg join "Outside the Lines" to discuss the dangers of average Joes gathering to play what they call "semi-pro" football. AFA now offers AFLAC to members! AFA members now have discounted rates for AFLAC benefits available to them. Aflac pays you cash if you are hurt or sick and compliments any other benefits you already have! This Accident Plan: Pays you cash for services you or a family member may have due to any injury. On or off the job. Pays cash dollar amounts for different treatments. This plan is perfect for players needing accident coverage; leagues signing up can take advantage of our special opportunities for billing. AFA SmartPhone App The AFA Smartphone App is now available for download at Google Sports Concussion? Use Mobile Phone App Phone Diagnosis Use the our collection of apps to ask a series of questions and the app will decide the chances that a player has actually suffered a concussion. The questions used come directly from the Centers for Disease Control. This app has a list of symptoms that will help in the decision to remove a player from a game or seek medical attention. In fact, it has a "Return to Play" feature helping you decide when to allow the player to return to practice and game status. Also comes with a feature to email a doctor, if further medical advice is needed. Just click Smartphone App to download.... AFA logo Smartphone Cases also available :) American Football Association Hall of Fame We continue to get phone calls and requests from folks confused about membership in the AFA's Hall of Fame. It appears that after 33 years, a few folks are still a bit confused regarding hall of fame membership. As a result, we have edited and published a more readable copy of our inductees from day one at American Football Association Hall of Fame Listing. Note: The 2013 AFA Hall of Fame Inductions are scheduled to be held June 27th - 28th (same date annually) and at the same location as last year, the Pro Football HoF. Official ballots will go out in April to all 2013 Active AFA Alumni. Nominations will only being accepted on the official ballot and in this timeframe. Sponsorships are now being solicited at Hall of Fame Banquet Sponsorships. American Football Association Hall of Fame Jackets - Now Available !!!. ... we are pleased to announce that AFA Hall of Fame jackets are now available for purchase directly from Chicago Knitting Mills.....and yes, they do have the plus sizes 2X -- 5X! Just send an email to to obtain an order form. AFA Hall of Fame Blazers ....because of the positive feedback from our Hall of Fame banquet, we are now making Hall of Fame Blazers available to all current hall of fame members. Please email if you are interested. Note: Hall of Fame Patches are available upon request for those who would like to update their favorite blazer with this memorable item @$15 each. Just send an email to Wilson NFL Footballs... New Wilson Footballs are now in stock. The price is $65/ball or $390 per case for new balls plus $20 shipping and handling for a total of $410 per case of download form, click Wilson NFL Footballs. AFA Broadcast Channel Goes Live The AFA's live broadcast channel capability for video webcasts is now available for PCs, iPads and, Smartphones. Featured video includes weekly vintage and live video webcasts of events such as the Pottstown Firebirds Super Bowl Special, Kalamazoo Tornadoes AFA Championship, Past AFA Hall of Fame Inductions, AFA Member Game Broadcasts and special announcements. These weekly broadcast will accessible directly from our website and in additional to performances by some of our hall of famers, will also feature AFA sponsors. These broadcasts can also be accessed at...... Steve Weed Productions. AFA Membership Programs | 2013 AFA Alumni Club Membership - Are You A Card Carrying Member? AFA Membership is open to anyone and everyone that, at one time or another, had been (or still is) involved with a semi-pro team and/or league. Semi-Pro Football Alumni Club is co-sponsored by the AFA National Association and the Members of the AFA Hall of Fame Alumni. To join Just click AFA Alumni Membership App. Lifetime AFA Memberships Now Offered for AFA Hall of Fame Members! Email with your interest. American Football Association Benefits, Inc The America Football Association recently established major partne rships with insurance companies to make comprehensive coverage products available for all AFA Alumni. AFA Alumni and where applicable their spouses and dependents, can now apply for insurance at competitive group rates. It's now easy to join the AFA and apply for affordable insurance coverage with a special discount for being an AFA Alumni. For more info, please call 877-624-4485 or email | About the American Football Association: The American Football Association is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation in its 33rd year of operation and is dedicated to the advancement of adult (semi-pro) football from coast-to-coast. Our slogan is Semi Pro & ProudĀ®. We are not affiliated with any other national semi-pro/minor league organization (Minor League Football News, American Football News Today, American Football Hall of Fame, Minor Pro Hall of Fame, etc). The AFA, Hall of Fame, American Football News™ and AFA logo design are registered trademarks of the American Football Association. All other AFA-related trademarks are trademarks of the American Football Association.     | | |